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Título: The glyphosate controversy: an update
Título(s) alternativo(s): A controvérsia do glifosato: uma atualização
Autor(es): Tauhata, Sinji Borges Ferreira
Araújo, Gabriela Bandeira de
Alves, Suellen Daniela Ferraz de Oliveira
Martins, Daniel Neves Vieira
Lopes, Luana Silva
Casaletti, Luciana
Data do documento: 4-Dez-2020
Resumo: The demand for food in the world grows year after year due in part to population growth, but also to the improvement of emerging markets. Brazil is one of the largest food producers in the world. In 2017, its cereal, legume and oilseed crops totaled 238.6 million tons, 29.2% more than the year before. Much of the great increase in productivity is due to the incorporation of transgenic seeds, especially cotton, maize and soybean, which possess genes that will increase plant’s adaptability to harsh soil and water conditions and, resistance to pests, but also tolerance to herbicides. Virtually, all transgenic soybeans planted in Brazil are resistant to glyphosate, the herbicide initially launched on the market by Monsanto in the 1970s under the trade name Roundup. Due to the existence of several transgenic crops tolerant to glyphosate, such as soy, wheat, corn and canola, this product is the most commercialized herbicide in the world. The use of glyphosate allows the sowing of transgenic crops immediately after application, making the planting and maintenance processes very practical. Soybeans, such as other transgenics, have biological safety already well defined, but the use of glyphosate is still an extremely controversial subject. This review presents some historical aspects of the binomial Roundup Ready soybean/glyphosate and discusses the most recent controversies about the use of glyphosate in Brazil and worldwide.
Palavras-chave: Herbicides
Transgenic soy
Citação: Beleza, Antonio Jackson Forte; Maciel, William Cardoso; Lopes, Elisângela de Souza; Albuquerque, Átilla Holanda de; Carreira, Arianne Silva; Nogueira, Carlos Henrique Guedes; Bandeira, Jéssica de Melo; Vasconcelos, Ruben Horn; Teixeira, Régis Siqueira de Castro. Arquivos do Instituto Biológico, v. 87, e0462019, 2020.
ISSN: 1808-1657
Número DOI: 10.1590/1808-1657000462019
Idioma: en_US
Editora: Instituto Biológico
Local da Publicação: São Paulo
Aparece nas coleções:Artigos

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